Here you can find press material and important information for your journalistic work concerning the Austrian National Library.
Would you like to film in the State Hall? Or take photos of special objects in our holdings? If so, we would look forward to your timely request.
You don’t want to take photos yourself but make editorial use of the Austrian National Library’s stock images? If so, the best thing to do is contact our colleagues in the Picture Archives and graphic department.
If you would like to arrange an interview with one of our experts, we are happy to help. We take care of the interview approval as well as the coordination.
You can use our catalogue QuickSearch
to comfortably search the holdings of the Austrian National Library. Please obtain an annual card or day ticket to use the holdings in one of our reading rooms. If you need help with your research work, our library staff will be glad to assist.
You will receive free admission to our museums upon presentation of your press ID at the cash desks of the Austrian National Library.
Any Questions? Please contact:
Elke Koch
Communication and Marketing
Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Wien
Phone: +43 1 53410-270
Mobile: +43 664 2012718
E-Mail: elke.koch[at]
Thank you for your understanding that our press releases are available in German only.
Due to events, the State Hall will be closed during the following times:
Saturday, March 22 at noon
Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m.