Foto von goldenem Wandgemälde und Kreis, in dem steht „Jetzt beitreten!“

Welcome to the Society of Friends of the Austrian National Library, our network of supporters interested in books and art. With our annual contributions and donations, we support the cultural treasure trove of Austria and one of the world’s most important libraries.

  • We enable the purchase and restoration of objects.
  • We support conservation campaigns.
  • We provide funds for a contemporary presentation to the public.

Votes from the board of directors

Hartwig Löger

Collecting, preserving and communicating are core tasks of the Austrian National Library, which can also be realized with the active support of the Society of Friends. We all see it as our responsibility to safeguard the enormous cultural heritage that lies dormant in the collections of the Austrian National Library and to make it accessible for future generations. A task that fills us with jojy and confidence. I invite all interested people to become friends of the Austrian National Library and enjoy the rich cultural offerings of the library with us.

Hartwig Löger, President
Hartwig Löger, Director General Vienna Insurance Group

Mag. Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Second Vice President

For 100 years, the Society of Friends of the Austrian National Library has been helping to preserve, conserve and expand the library's extensive holdings and collections. Thanks to projects supported by the Society of Friends, important restoration and conservation measures can be implemented in the valuable historical holdings. Thanks to its loyal supporters, the Austrian National Library can look to the future with confidence. I am delighted to be a member of the Board.

Foto von Mag. Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Mag. Bettina Glatz-Kremsner

Dr. Günter Geyer
Member of the Board of Directors

For 100 years now, the doors to this "treasure trove of knowledge" have been open to members of the Society of Friends of the Austrian National Library. Friends are invited to look behind the scenes of the collections, learn exciting details at first hand in exclusive curator tours through the special exhibitions and are always informed about all events and happenings of the house. Let yourself be inspired by the diversity of the Austrian National Library. Together we will carry these treasures into the future.

Foto von Mann im Anzug
Dr. Günter Geyer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Wiener Städtische Wechselseitiger Versicherungsverein

Ing. Karl-Heinz Strauss
Member of the Board of Directors

The Society of Friends with its numerous members, which include individuals as well as companies, is a modern, active circle of supporters. I am pleased to see how, for example, large parts of the treasures lying dormant in the "storehouse of knowledge" are being made accessible to the general public through elaborate digitization projects thanks to the commitment of the Friends. The Austrian National Library has its finger on the pulse of times, successfully combining its task of preserving historical holdings with important projects for the future that always incorporate state-of-the-art technology. This inspires me and fills me with confidence that future generations will also be able to draw on ancient knowledge.

Foto von Karl Heinz-Strauss
Karl-Heinz Strauss, CEO PORR AG

Dr. Heinrich Schaller
Member of the Board of Directors

If you like to go into depth when visiting exhibitions and want to experience first-hand explanations, the Friends of the Austrian National Library is the right place for you. The exclusive program for members offers expert tours of the diverse special exhibitions as well as lectures and visits to the Library's eight collections. Members receive invitations to exhibition openings and to the annual reception for book sponsors and friends. For 100 years now, Friends have found themselves in good company. One of the most beautiful ways to enjoy culture.

Foto von Generaldirektor Heinrich Schaller
Generaldirektor Heinrich Schaller, Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ

Dr. Johann Strobl
Member of the Board of Directors

The amazing diversity of the six museums of the Austrian National Library never ceases to amaze me. The State Hall captivates with its magnificent, stately ambience. The unique Globe Museum in Palais Mollard houses very special globes and celestial bodies. Another unique place is the Papyrus Museum. But also the Literature Museum, the Esperanto Museum and now also the House of History Austria enrich the broad spectrum. I am pleased that Raiffeisen Bank International can contribute to the continued existence of these places of knowledge and culture.

Bild von Dr. Johann Strob
Dr. Johann Strobl, Vorstandsvorsitzender Raiffeisen Bank International
State Hall

Due to events, the State Hall will be closed during the following times:

Saturday, March 22 at noon
Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m. 

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