Call for Papers: ICOM-CC Graphic document working group

Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises

Vienna 2013

The Interim Meeting of the Working Group Graphic Documents will be held in Vienna from 17 to 19 April 2013, hosted by the Austrian National Library. The two-day conference, complemented by half a day of visits to museums and conservation laboratories, will provide a forum for the broad spectrum of activities in the Paper Conservation community. Challenges of digitization, changing cultural policies and economic constraints on one hand, current research and advancements in materials and techniques on the other hand demand growing competences of paper-, library-, and archive conservators. To which extent are decision processes in conservation influenced by changes in ethics, politics and science? Do conservators have the profile to shape these processes and to negotiate a compromise?

The meeting will present an overview of the current state of research, practice and progress in the field of paper conservation.

The specific topics that will be presented in the Interim Meeting are:

  • Reflections on treatment decisions and processes, particularly concerning case-studies in paper conservation.
  • Conservation of graphic documents in the digital age:  decision making, compromise and collaboration between conserving analogue cultural heritage and providing digital access to this heritage. To which extent are ethics in paper conservation affected by digitization?
  • Paper conservation in the era of ‘blockbuster’ exhibitions: the influence of exhibitions on decisions in conservation
  • Latest scientific research on characteristics, degradation and conservation of paper, parchment and papyrus: How do results of research impact choices in conservation?


The official conference language shall be English.

Abstract submission for oral presentations and posters

Please send a preliminary title, abstract (maximum 500 words, no illustrations), short curriculum vitae and a list of maximum three reference publications (optional) as soon as possible to:  Lieve Watteeuw ( coordinator of the WG Graphic documents. Please follow the instruction for the format of the abstract below. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 August, 2012. Presenting authors will be notified of the decision of the review committee by 22 October 2012. They will be invited to send an extended abstract of 2000 words (including bibliography and a maximum of 5 illustrations by 6 January 2013). If an oral presentation of 20 minutes can not be offered, a poster presentation may be offered instead. We kindly request all extended abstract submissions be proof-read in advance by a native English speaker.

The extended abstracts will be distributed to the participants at the conference on a CD. They will be published on the website of ICOM-CC and the Austrian National Library.

Sincerely yours,
On behalf of the organizing board
Lieve Watteeuw


Instructions for abstract
(please use Calibri, font 12pt)




a Institution A, Address, Country, email
b Institution B, Address, Country, email

The presenting author should be identified by underlining his/her name.

Proposal for a Paper O or a Posters O

Abstract of 500 words, involving introduction, method and conclusions

Curriculum Vitae (max 100 words) of the author(s)



call for papers

ICOM-CC Interim Meeting
17 - 19 April 2013

Austrian National Library
Josefsplatz 1
1015 Vienna

Organizing Board

Christa Hofmann (WG assistant coordinator), Uta Landwehr, Christa Schuster, Austrian National Library

Sigrid Eyb-Green, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Elisabeth Thobois, Hannah Singer, Ina Jochumsen, Albertina Vienna

Ute Henniges, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Lieve Watteeuw (WG coordinator), University of Leuven

Marie Vest (WG assistant coordinator), Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen

Paul Garside (WG assistant coordinator), British Library

Dianne van der Reyden (WG assistant coordinator), Library of Congress

last update 5/3/2012