Here you can find newspapers and magazines:


Primarily recent national and international newspapers: Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS)

By using the expanded search, you can narrow your search down to newspaper databases by entering newspaper in the field keyword.

You can also narrow down your search by using database types (e.g. full-text databases) and specialist areas.

Frequently searched databases:

  • Austria-Kiosk Free Lounge (digital newspaper kiosk, Austrian and international newspapers and magazines as e-paper, from the particular day of publication at least available for 30 days)
  • WISO Presse (newspapers from Austria, Germany and Switzerland partially reaching back to the early 1990s, up-to-date, purely text files without illustrations)
  • PressReader (world’s largest newspaper portal, up-to-date, 90-day archive, original layout)
  • Arbeiter-Zeitung (1945–1989)
  • Historical Austrian newspapers: ANNO
  • Historical newspapers around the world: ANNO > Other newspapers digitization projectst

​​Primarily recent national and international magazines: Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) 

By using the expanded search, you can narrow down your search to magazine databases by entering magazine in the field keyword. You can also narrow down your search by using database types (e.g. full-text databases) and specialist areas.

Frequently searched databases:

  •  Austria-Kiosk Free Lounge (digital newspaper kiosk, Austrian and               international newspapers and magazines as e-paper, from the particular day of publication at least available for 30 days)
  • EZB electronic magazine library (scientific magazines for all specialist areas)
  • Academic Search Premier (scientific magazines for all specialist areas, peer-reviewed)
  • JSTOR journal storage (primarily humanities and social sciences, the current 1 to 5 years are not included) – digital magazines
  • Periodicals Index Online (bibliographic magazine database with a link to full texts in JSTOR and digital magazines)
  • Historical magazines: Catalogue QuickSearch > Expanded search > Newspapers/magazines media type and search area Austrian Books Online.      By entering a specific topic, you will receive a display of digitalised magazines and newspapers in this subject area.
  • Women’s and Gender Studies: Ariadne – the women- and gender-specific knowledge portal
  • Current magazines (mostly: the current year) and newspapers (mostly: the past few weeks) in subject groups 1 to 40 are available in the Magazine Reading Room for immediate use.

    For periodicals in higher subject groups, please submit to completed order form on the counter in the Magazine Reading Room.
  • Please order older magazines/newspapers that have already been bound from our catalogue QuickSearch. To do so, use the Expanded search > magazines/newspapers media type.

    If no volume has been selected, please enter the desired volume/year – as well as the month for newspapers – into the comments field. You can identify the place of allocation by means of the letter in the signature. Volumes with format D, E or F are issued for use in the Large-Format Reading Room, with format A, B or C in the Main Reading Room.

    A large number of daily newspapers are available as microfilms (signature starting with MF). They are made available in the basement floor. Please understand that originals of titles that have already been digitalised or put onto microfilm are no longer handed out for conservational reasons.
State Hall

Due to events, the State Hall will be closed during the following times:

Saturday, March 22 at noon
Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m. 

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