You can obtain the copy card from one of the card machines in the copy corner on the ground floor. The card is valid for all devices. For information about the prices, we refer to the price list on-site.
You can have paper copies (reader printer copies) made from microfilms in the Microform Reading Room (LS 6).
If you would prefer to have the reproductions made, simply order the desired reproduction via our Catalogue QuickSearch. In the item’s record you need to click on "Reproduction enquiry". Or you can also send us an your reproduction enquiry by e-mail.
For information about the prices, we refer to the price list.
As Austria’s only archive library, the Austrian National Library must place particular emphasis on protecting its holdings. Please help us here to preserve the condition of our items by handling them carefully. In case of doubt, the library employee will decided if and in which form a work may be reproduced.
The Austrian National Library would like to specifically point out that the users are solely responsible for complying with copyright, personal and other rights.
Fees shall be charged for using reproductions for publication purposes. The amount shall depend on the type of originals provided and the type of publication (Price List). As the ordering party, you also commit to providing a full list of picture credits and to supply a copy of your publication to the Austrian National Library.
Due to events, the State Hall will be closed during the following times:
Saturday, March 22 at noon
Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m.