Accessibility declaration

The Austrian National Library strives to make its websites accessible in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act (WZG) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council on barrier-free access to the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (OJ L 327, 2.12.2016, p. 1).

 This accessibility statement applies to the domain and its subdomains, such as in particular the Ticketshop, the portal for historical newspapers and magazines Austrian Newspaper Online (ANNO) and the Portal für historische Rechts- und Gesetzestexte (ALEX).

Status of compatibility with the requirements

This website is only partially compliant with compliance level A and AA of the "Web Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG 2.1" and the applicable European standard "EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08)", respectively, due to the following incompatibilities and exceptions.In the main portal 

and in ANNO, some problems make barrier-free access with assistive technologies difficult. In the ticket store, important functionalities are currently not fulfilled when using assistive technologies. The Austrian National Library is striving to eliminate these problems step by step and to improve the accessibility of these pages in the long term.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

(a) Incompatibility with the Web Accessibility Act (WZG).

- Some images and buttons do not have alternative text or the alternative text does not contain a description of the specific image (, ANNO). Thus, WCAG criterion 1.1.1 is not met.

- Some tables do not have a header; in some cases the headings are missing or the heading structure is not correct; lists are not formatted as such or the ARIA label is missing (, ticketshop, ANNO / WCAG criterion 1.3.1).

- Individual text parts have too little contrast to their background (, ticketshop, ANNO / WCAG criterion 1.4.3).

- The function of interaction buttons is partly not described, there is no feedback when using a screen reader; thematic entries in ANNO via list entries are not accessible (, ANNO / WCAG criterion 2.4.4).

- Some input fields do not have form labels (, ticketshop, ANNO / WCAG criterion 2.4.6).

- The language tag is missing from some ANNO pages (ANNO / WCAG criterion 3.1.1).

- Form labels are missing from search and language switcher (, ANNO / WCAG criterion 3.3.2).

b) Disproportionate burden

In our opinion, the following barriers cannot currently be removed at a reasonable cost for various reasons, such as in particular the associated costs or against the background that affected pages are about to be relaunched:

- The tab order or menu position is partly incorrect (, ANNO / WCAG criterion 1.3.2).

- On, image gallery overlays and red buttons are not accessible, in Ticketshop the shopping cart dialog overlay is not operable and the filter buttons are not accessible, in ANNO the advanced search and overlays are not keyboard operable and list entries are not accessible (, Ticketshop, ANNO / WCAG criterion 2.1.1).

- The radio buttons of the search areas filter the displayed results immediately upon selection. This change in content is communicated correctly via ARIA alerts, but there are delays in information output, making this element of limited use for screen reader users ( / WCAG criterion 3.2.1).

c) The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation.

Historical documents (e.g., older image and PDF documents in ANNO) are inaccessible or insufficiently scalable for screen reader users (WCAG criteria 1.1.1 and 1.4.10).

Creation of this accessibility statement:

This statement was created on 11.12.2020 based on an analysis and evaluation of our domain by USECON - The Usability Consultants GmbH in cooperation with AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. In the process, selected representative pages with associated functionalities (e.g. search) were examined as examples for the main portal (, in the ticket store ( the central use cases event search, ticket purchase and donations were examined and for ANNO ( the central accesses via search and lists as well as other typical pages or page types were analyzed.

Feedback and contact details:

It is our concern and our legal mandate to open the holdings of the Austrian National Library to as wide a circle of interested parties as possible. We therefore strive to make our content available as barrier-free as possible. Our websites are constantly being expanded, adapted and checked with regard to their usability. If you notice any deficiencies or barriers, please let us know by sending an e-mail to webredaktion[at] unter Angabe der URL der betroffenen Website oder Dokuments und einer Beschreibung des Problems mitzuteilen, damit wir unser Angebot entsprechend anpassen und weiter verbessern können.

Austrian National Library
Communication and Marketing Department - Web Editing
E-mail: webredaktion[at]

Enforcement Procedure:

If you do not receive satisfactory responses from the above contact option, you may contact the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) by means of a complaint. The FFG accepts complaints electronically via the contact form.

Contactform Complaints Office

These complaints are examined by the FFG to determine whether they relate to violations of the requirements of the Web Accessibility Act, in particular deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements, by the federal government or an entity attributable to it.

If the complaint is justified, the FFG must issue recommendations for action to the federal government or the legal entities concerned and propose measures to remedy the deficiencies at hand.

Further Information on the Complaints Procedure

Optional content:

Compliance with the A and AA criteria of WCAG 2.1 is of particular concern to us. The web editorial team strives for the most barrier-free accessibility and implementation of the AAA criteria as well in its current activities and in future projects.

State Hall

Due to events, the State Hall will be closed during the following times:

Saturday, March 22 at noon
Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m. 

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