The Austrian National Library is a reference library, which means that it is only possible to lend items in exceptional cases and following an application. Please note that new applications for borrowing IDs take three working days to process.
You may be granted an authorisation for local lendings if:
For detailed information: Criteria to lend items.
You receive the authorisation to lend items for a period of one year for a fee of EUR 35.- (including 10% VAT). Please note that, in addition, a deposit of EUR 80.- must be made.
You can lend a maximum of ten books at the same time for four weeks from the order date. You can extend the lending once by four weeks provided there are no reservations and you have to request the extension of the media before the loan expires (online or at the library).
Overdue fees / item / day: EUR 0.65
1. Reminder by email (10 days after due date): EUR 6.-
2. Reminder by email (20 days after due date): EUR 9.-
3. Reminder by registered post (30 days after due date): EUR 12.- plus postage and fee for registered post
If items are not promptly returned or outstanding fees not paid, it shall not be possible to lend or extend the loan of any other item. Please note that it is not possible to pay any reminder fees on Saturdays and Sundays.
Ordered items can only be lent or returned at the book issue desk at the Main Reading Room from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 8.45 p.m. If you do not collect ordered works within seven days, they will be returned to storage. You may authorise someone else to pick up the ordered items for you. In this case this person requires an written authorisation and your library pass.
It is not permitted to borrow any lended items from the Austrian National Library to other individuals. If you will be absent from your place of residence for longer than three weeks, please return all borrowed works first. Under no circumstances is it permitted to take borrowed works away on journeys. A change of address has to be announced with an official proof of residence.
Non-compliance with these conditions will result in the loss of your authorisation to lend items.
E-mail: berechtigungen[at]
Mailing address:
Leihstelle (Local Loan Desk)
Josefsplatz 1
1015 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 534 10-252
Entrance: Heldenplatz, Mitteltor der Neuen Hofburg
Due to events, the State Hall will be closed during the following times:
Saturday, March 22 at noon
Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m.