Bonvenon! Welcome to the Esperanto Museum!

Discover the fascinating world of language invention and the multifaceted history of Esperanto – spanning more than a hundred years – in the Austrian National Library's Esperanto Museum. You will learn about the publication of the first Esperanto textbook in 1887, the language's rapid spread before the First World War to its suppression during the time of National Socialism and, ultimately, its use today.

Come and visit our permanent exhibition at Palais Mollard – featuring interactive media stations, historic posters, archive records etc. –  to find out more about a fascinating aspect of linguistic creativity.

Abzeichen des Internationalen Esperanto-Museums in Wien anlässlich seiner Eingliederung in die Nationalbibliothek. Blech, mit grünem Aufdruck, an grüner Schnur hängend
Ĉu en Esperanto?

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