A large number of articles and essays are listed or even fully accessible in our catalogue QuickSearch. If the desired item is not listed, please also use the search possibilities of the Austrian National Library’s comprehensive database.

  • Humanities and social science e-books from the published De Gruyter and partner publishers: Catalogue QuickSearch > Search area E-books
  • Historical literature: Catalogue QuickSearch > Full historical texts
  • Historical Austrian newspapers: ANNO
  • Historical newspapers around the world: ANNO  > Other newspaper digitalisation projects
  • Recent newspaper and magazine articles, essays: Databases Information System (DBIS)
  • Please use the five drop-down menus under Expanded search (e.g. database type for narrowing down your search to full-text databases) for the targeted search for suitable databases – e.g. WISO, PressReader, JSTOR, EZB, Academic Search Premier.

Articles from essay collections, commemorative publications, congress reports and exhibition catalogues: Catalogue QuickSearch > Expanded search > Article media type .

Click on Superordinate title in details for the order. By doing so, you receive the display of the work in which the article is included. You can send the order there.

Ariadne – the women- and gender-specific knowledge portal

Augustinian Reading Room

The Augustinian Reading Room will be closed on February 10, 2025. As a substitute, the Reading Room of the Collection of Manuscripts and Old Prints (Josefsplatz 1 in the left wing of the building, Manuscripts Staircase 2nd floor) will be available during regular opening hours.
Thank you for your understanding.

State Hall

Due to an event, the State Hall will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 27. 

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