Donations to the Austrian National Library

Donations to the Austrian National Library

Unsolicited donations received will be handled in the following way by the Austrian National Library:

  • The Austrian National Library reserves the right to make further use of these donations.
  • These will only be made available if they meet the collection guidelines of the library.
    See:  Collection guidelines
  • Special prints will only be made available if these meet the collection guidelines and the library does not own the work or the newspaper in which the article concerned was published.
  • Donations not made accessible by us will be passed on to the libraries of universities in Vienna, depending on the subject covered.
  • The Austrian National Library does not generally return donations for administrative and cost reasons.


If you would like to send us books, please use the following adress:
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Team Erwerbung
Josefsplatz 1
Postfach 25
1015 Wien

Augustinian Reading Room

The Augustinian Reading Room will be closed on February 10, 2025. As a substitute, the Reading Room of the Collection of Manuscripts and Old Prints (Josefsplatz 1 in the left wing of the building, Manuscripts Staircase 2nd floor) will be available during regular opening hours.
Thank you for your understanding.

State Hall

Due to an event, the State Hall will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 27. 

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