Summer jobs

Every year during the summer months, the Austrian National Library offers young people a chance to gain initial work experience during a one-month summer job. You can submit your application under Vacancies for the respective calendar year from January 1 until February 15 at the latest.

Compulsory practical training and voluntary service

If you are interested in compulsory practical training or voluntary service, please get in touch with our Training Department:

Tel +43 1 534 10-357


Taster days

If you are interested in spending your taster days with us, please contact benuetzung[at]

Augustinian Reading Room

The Augustinian Reading Room will be closed on February 10, 2025. As a substitute, the Reading Room of the Collection of Manuscripts and Old Prints (Josefsplatz 1 in the left wing of the building, Manuscripts Staircase 2nd floor) will be available during regular opening hours.
Thank you for your understanding.

State Hall

Due to an event, the State Hall will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 27. 

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