Papyrusbrief eines Mannes namens Germyllos an seinen Vater.

Germyllos to his father

Germyllos to his father

Greek, after 324? a. AD, papyrus
G 19758

... and give me blankets, because ... I sleep under papyrus!

This letter is a typical letter from the family milieu. On the one hand, Germyllos asks his father to send urgently needed items, on the other hand he confirms the receipt of twenty pairs of bread and two measures of dates.

Germyllos tells his father about his plight because the father has not yet sent the goods Germyllos needs. As his father has not yet sent any blankets, Germyllos has to sleep under papyrus. Kyria, with whom Germyllos apparently lives, has no blankets for him.

The script is generous and stylised and already shows characteristics of the Coptic uncial. It was clearly written by an accomplished scribe.

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