Portrait of a bearded man, painted on wood

Wooden panel with a painted portrait

3rd cent. AD, wood, tempera
G 807

Whether paintings like this are genuine portraits has not been fully clarified to this day. In contrast to the idealised depictions of the pharaonic era, however, mummy portraits and panel paintings show a variety of individual traits.

This picture was made after the death of the sitter. This is indicated by the wreath of flowers and the green branch in the man's hands. Both are symbols of his afterlife.

This picture is too large to be a mummy portrait. It was probably hung in a picture frame on the wall of the tomb. A comparable framed portrait was found during excavations in Egypt. It is now in the British Museum.

You will find further information and a digital image in our database.

There is a media station on this object in the Papyrus Museum.

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