You will find original materials by and about the following personalities of Austrian folk music research and collection:

Blümml, Karl Emil (1881-1925)
Eberhard, Otto (1875-1960)
Günter, Johann (um 1880-?)
Hölzl, Martin (1871-1956)
Horak, Karl (1908-1992)
Klier, Karl Magnus (1892-1966)
Kotek, Georg (1889-1977)
Kurth, Helmut (1939)
Lager, Herbert (1907-1992)
Mautner, Konrad (1880-1924)
Peter, Ilka (1903-1999)
Pommer, Josef (1845-1918)
Richar, Elsa (1880-1971)
Rotter, Curt (1881-1945)
Schmitt, August (1861-1933)
Volksgesang-Verein (gegr. 1889/90)
Wlček, Peter (1897-1988)
Zoder, Raimund (1882-1963)

State Hall

Due to an event, the State Hall will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October, 24, at 4 p.m. on Friday, November 1 and at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 14. 

Reading rooms

The reading rooms at Heldenplatz will be closed on Saturday, November 2.

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