Am Bild sind Personen an der Buchausgabe der Lesesäle am Heldenplatz zu sehen

Order items

Ordering is very easy. Order the desired item via our Catalogue QuickSearch. Enter your user ID and password, which you received when your day ticket or annual membership card was issued, in the signing-in form. Simply click on Request when the book’s full record is displayed. Please use the Comment field to provide details of the volume/year – and month in case of newspapers – for works consisting of several volumes. Then click again the Request button.

Every reading room is equipped with a reference area, where you can find reference material sorted according to subject groups. The collection of reference materials primarily consists of encyclopaedia, general reference books, manuals, bibliographies, specialised lexica, specialised dictionaries and language dictionaries, which you can also research via our catalague, but you do not need to order those items.

In the Magazines Reading Room you can find the latest unbound newspapers and magazines. These are mainly newspapers from the past weeks and magazines from the current year.

Our librarians will be happy to advise and provide support with scientific research.

You may order a maximum of 10 volumes at each circulation desk at one time.

Most of our holdings are stored in the archives. You need to order these items via our Catalogue QuickSearch. The signature of an item – listed in the record of the item – provides you with information about the place of handover.

  • You can obtain holdings with the format specifications A to C from the circulation desk opposite the Main Reading Room.
  • Holdings with the format specifications D to F, as well as special holdings (Neu Sond/Neu AV) are provided at the circulation desk in the basement floor.

For detailed information: List of locations.

Two hours after ordering.
Last pick-up:
6 p.m. Monday to Friday. There is no pick-up on Saturdays and Sundays.

One week from the order date. You can extend the reservation by a further week.  

You can find our research tips here!

State Hall

Due to an event, the State Hall will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October, 24, at 4 p.m. on Friday, November 1 and at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 14. 

Reading rooms

The reading rooms at Heldenplatz will be closed on Saturday, November 2.

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