Fotos eines aufgeschlagenen Buchs mit Rose

Book sponsors wanted!

Would you like to help us preserve the Austrian National Library as a cultural treasure trove for future generations? Then we cordially invite you to take on a book sponsorship with us!

3 good reasons for a book sponsorship

  • You support one of the most valuable libraries in the world.
  • You finance the long-term conservation of precious books, manuscripts, maps, posters.
  • You support us in restoring severely damaged books and other individual objects.

Learn more about our Institute for Conservation!

A success story

Our existing book sponsors have already made it possible to save thousands of individual books, hire additional professionals, purchase equipment, and conserve entire collections. We say THANK YOU!

More than an anonymous donation

  • From a donation of EUR 500,- you can become a book sponsor of the Austrian National Library. You decide whether it is an object in need of restoration, whether you choose it according to your personal interests or for a special occasion - in any case, the amount will be used for the preservation of our collections. You will receive an honorary certificate with your chosen name and title of your sponsorship. A bookplate with your chosen name will be included with your book or object (map, poster, music manuscript, etc.). In addition, you will be invited to the annual reception of the Director General.
  • For donations of EUR 1000,- or more, we will additionally invite you to a selected guided tour of the Austrian National Library.
  • Amounts below EUR 500,- will benefit the long-term conservation of our holdings.
  • Donation deductibility: All donations made by private individuals as of 1.1.2017 can only be taken into account for tax purposes as a special income tax expense if the donors disclose their date of birth and first and last name (according to the population register) to the organization benefiting from the donation at least once. The total donation amount is reported directly to the tax authorities per calendar year and automatically taken into account as part of the employee tax assessment. The transmission of a donation confirmation is not required.

For all donations that you would like to claim as a special tax expense, please enter your date of birth and your first and last name (important: as on your registration form) in the field "Verwendungszweck". You can find more information on the website of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Tip: Give a sponsorship as a gift and surprise with a personalized voucher!

Did you know ...

... that donations for the book sponsorship of the Austrian National Library are also tax-deductible as business expenses for companies in Austria?

Click here for more information!

Thank you very much for your valuable contribution!

Austrian National Library

BAWAG (BLZ 60.000)
Wiedner Gürtel 11
1100 Wien

Verwendungszweck (Purpose): Book conservation

IBAN: AT38-6000-0000-9605-0710

Michaela Hübner
Sponsoring and Event Management
Telefon: +43 1 534 10-263
E-Mail: buchpatenschaft[at]

State Hall

Due to an event, the State Hall will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October, 24, at 4 p.m. on Friday, November 1 and at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 14. 

Reading rooms

The reading rooms at Heldenplatz will be closed on Saturday, 2 of November.

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