You decide, we display!

Which "Special Exhibit" would you like to see at a presentation? Vote now! In this round three extraordinary objects from holdings of the Austrian National Library are available. You can vote from 10 until 23 May 2023. The winning object will be displayed in the State Hall of the Austrian National Library starting 28 November 2023 as well as at a presentation on 5 December 2023.
All Saints
Religious exaltation in image, text and sound
Whether adapting biblical stories or expressing personal spiritual feelings, the examination of religion plays an important role in the work of many artists and authors. It is therefore hardly surprising that many objects in the Austrian National Library collections address the topic of saints – in the form of pictorial representations, stories or even as musical masterpieces.
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Object 1: Luther Bible with Splendid Illustrations
Printed work, 1544-1545
This Bible was the last Luther Bible printed during Martin Luther's lifetime. The illustrations produced in the workshop of the famous painter and graphic artist Lukas Cranach are of exceptional quality. Paying great attention to detail and in unique splendour of colour, he depicts, for example, the evangelist John with his attribute, the eagle as one of the four winged creatures assigned to the evangelists as symbols of divine power.
The Bible comes from the famous library of Prince Eugene of Savoy, which the Court Library acquired after his death (1736). The approximately 15,000 printed works, mostly first-rate editions from the book market of the time, are now mostly kept in the central oval of the State Hall of the Austrian National Library.
Object 2: The Apparition of the Angel to Joseph
Parchment, 9th century
The parchment leaf, written on both sides, comes from an elaborately decorated codex and contains the story preceding the birth of Jesus told in the Sahidic dialect (an ancient Christian Egyptian dialect). The text belongs to a literary genre that was widespread in late antiquity: The narrative embellishment of Jesus' childhood and ministry on the basis of the biblical texts. The present paraphrase tells of Joseph's doubts and his secret intention to leave the pregnant Mary, and of the angel's visit to convince Joseph that Mary is a virgin. It is based on a quotation from Isaiah 60:1 ("Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee"), which also includes a reference to John 8:12 ("I am the light of the world").
Object 3: Franz Liszt: Two Legends
Original manuscript, undated
Serious personal setbacks in mid-life, including the death of two of his children, had brought Franz Liszt back to the religious feelings he remembered from his childhood. One artistic consequence of this was an intense exploration of spiritual themes in his music, perhaps most personally expressed in the work “Two Legends”. These two pieces can be understood as "musical icons" of his two namesakes, Francis of Assisi and Francis of Paola, which he wrote in versions for piano solo and for orchestra. The attractive original manuscript of the orchestrated version contains passages in black and red ink as well as corrections and additions in blue and red pencil.