Preserving precious cultural heritage

Your donation safeguards cultural heritage

Support the Austrian National Library in preserving its valuable holdings of historical atlases for the future. Your donation will make an important contribution to the continuity of our common cultural heritage and enable future generations to experience our history anew with the help of these unique 17th century atlases.
Please help to preserve our common cultural heritage for the future. Thank you very much for your contribution.Dr. Johanna Rachinger
Director General of the Austrian National Library
The Austrian National Library Map Department contains rare treasures that include 220 large-format, colourfully illustrated 17th century atlases. Copper-based pigments were often used as the green colour for these historical maps of the world and the heavens. Over the centuries, these pigments have a damaging effect on the paper. The green colour turns brown, the copper corrodes and degrades the paper until it breaks. An elaborate restoration project has been set up to save these important cultural documents and safeguard them for future generations.
Your donation safeguards cultural heritage.
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Wiedner Gürtel 11, 1100 Vienna
IBAN: AT38-6000-0000-9605-0710
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Tel.: +43 1 534 10-263