Literature for children and young people

The Collection of Manuscripts and Rare Books includes extensive holdings of literature for children and young people (KJL). These include books of historic and illustrative value from the 16th to the 19th century and collectable editions right up to the 21st century. This unusual library holding has been indexed in a special project and can now be searched separately.
You can also search it via our » Catalogue QuickSearch.
To search more generally for literature for children and young people and associated topics at the Austrian National Library, you can also start your search here:
» Literature for children and young people in our Catalogue QuickSearch.
You can find detailed information about the holdings in the collection in the Master's thesis on » Children's books at the ANL.
A selection of beautiful old children's books, acquired in 2006 from Christian M. Nebehay's collection, can be found » here.
You can also visit the » website of the Austrian Research Society for Children's Literature, which includes an extensive list of links.