You decide, we display!

You've voted! The winner of our online voting for the special exhibit"Dedicated to Mars. The Roman god in images and manuscript" is "Johannes Kepler: On the movement of the planet Mars". The winning object is expected to be on display from 21 March to 21 May 2023 in the State Hall and at an expert lecture on 4 April 2023.
Object 3: Johannes Kepler: On the movement of the planet Mars
Scientific work, 1609
After the death of the Imperial Court Mathematician Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler was given not only his office but also his observation data on the planets, especially Mars. Kepler used this data to develop his theory that Mars – and thus also the other planets – did not move in circular orbits as had previously been assumed, but in elliptical orbits with the Sun as the focal point. It was indeed an "astronomia nova", as it is called in the official title, a completely new astronomy that Kepler presented here. In the introduction to this work, he could rightly boast that he had confronted the ever elusive Mars and had defeated it "in an arduous and laborious war" with the help of mathematics.