You decide, we display!

You've voted! The winner of our online voting for the special exhibit"Martial Arts. Historical depictions of fencing and tournaments" is "The Tournament Book of Emperor Maximilian I.". You will be able to admire the winning object at a presentation on September 27, 2022.
Object 1: Football in 1899 – Team photo and match scene
Photos, 3 April 1899
On Easter Monday, 3 April 1899, an Austrian selection with players from the Vienna and Cricketer teams played against an amateur team from Oxford University on the Jesuitenwiese in the Vienna Prater, losing 0:13. This confrontation with an English team revolutionised Austrian football and showed the Austrian players the finest English ball technique, fast combination play and sophisticated tactics. The photographs are among the earliest photographic evidence of Austrian football. In addition to static team photos, an attempt was made to capture the dynamics of the game – at an appropriate distance from the action. The game also found due resonance in the press.