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Pflichtablieferung – Legal deposit – Dépôt légal

The deposit of so-called “library copies” continues to serve a cultural need today. The aim of this law is to ensure the complete documentation, as far as possible, of published work in Austria. A legal deposit regulation for the Austrian National Library (formerly the Court Library) has demonstrably existed since 1569.

Legal situation

Pursuant to Sec. 3, para. 1 of the Library Regulations of the Austrian National Library (regulation dated 11/01/2002, Federal Gazette 12/2002), the primary duties of the Austrian National Library include “collecting and archiving all works appearing or published in Austria, including electronic media (Sec. 43 and 43a of the Austrian Media Act).” The remit to permanently archive Austria’s cultural heritage can only be efficiently and consistently fulfilled by complying exactly with the legal deposit regulation pursuant to the Austrian Media Act (deposit of so-called library copies, Sec. 43 of the Austrian Media Act).

As regards print media published or printed in Austria, the Austrian National Library aims to establish the most comprehensive collection possible of all Austrian publications so as to ensure that future generations may have access to this information.

Austrian Media Act (see in particular section six: library copies)
» RIS Austrian Media Act

Concerning the legal situation
» Implementing regulation

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