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Special authorisation for off-premises reading

Conditions of borrowing
The Austrian National Library is a reference library, which means that it is only possible to lend media for off-premises use in exceptional cases and following an » application. Please note that new applications for borrowing IDs take three working days to process.

Costs and deposit
You receive the borrower's card (= annual membership card with right to borrow) for a period of one year for a fee of EUR 30.00 (including 10% VAT). Please note that, in addition, a deposit of EUR 80.00 must be made.

Limits and deadlines
You can borrow a maximum of ten books at the same time for four weeks from the order date. You can extend borrowed media once by four weeks provided there are no reservations and you request the extension of the media before the loan expires (online or at the library). Please bring the borrowed works back when the loan period expires. It is only possible to borrow it again after the media have been returned and ordered again. Unfortunately, it is not possible to extend beyond the validity of the borrower's card.

Borrowing and returning
Ordered works can only be booked at the book issue desk at the Main Reading Room (LS 1) from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. (loans / returns). You may nominate someone else to borrow works for you. To this end, this person requires written authorisation from you, as well as your library card with borrowing rights. If you do not collect ordered works within seven days, they will be returned to storage.

Please note: The Austrian National Library may ask for a work to be returned before the term of the loan expires, if this is required for business purposes. In case of an audit, a general request for the return of all works may be issued.

Loss of right to borrow
It is not permitted to lend any works borrowed from the Austrian National Library to other individuals, either for a fee or free of charge, or to borrow using the name another person. If you will be absent from your place of residence for longer than three weeks, please return all borrowed works first. Under no circumstances is it permitted to take borrowed works away on journeys. A change of address has to be announced with an official proof of residence.

Non-compliance with these conditions of borrowing will result in loss of your right to borrow.

Criteria for being granting the right to borrow:

You may be granted a right to borrow if

  • You are a natural person aged 18 or over
  • Your main place of residence or your place of work, education or research is in the Greater Vienna area, and you meet one of the following criteria:
    • You need to borrow works for scientific activity: you are writing a dissertation or habilitation treatise, or you are conducting a scientific research project
    • You are an active member of a public corporation
    • You are a member of a private corporation with a focus on scientific activity and/or culture
    • You cannot use the reading rooms because of a disability, or if it is very difficult for you to do so.

Supporting documents
Please provide the following supporting documents with every application:

  • Proof of place of residence by means of an official residence registration sheet
  • Official photo ID (e.g. passport, student’s ID, employee ID)
  • Proof of the need to have borrowing rights due to scientific or professional activities (habilitation treatise, dissertation, scientific or research project, scientific publication)

Application forms

» Application for borrower’s card
» Application for renewal of borrower’s card
» Application for refund of a deposit

Please send applications to: berechtigungen[at]

If the borrowed works are not promptly returned, we will charge reminder fees.

Reminder fees (prices excluding VAT)

Late return fees / item / day: EUR 0.50
1.    Reminder by email (10 days after due date): EUR 5.00
2.    Reminder by email (20 days after due date): EUR 7.00
3.    Reminder by registered post (30 days after due date): EUR 10.00 plus postage and fee for registered post

If printed materials are not promptly returned or outstanding fees not paid, it shall not be possible to borrow or extend the loan of any other printed materials. Please note that it is not possible to pay any reminder fees on Saturdays and Sundays.

The following items may not be borrowed:

  • Works published before 1900
  • Inlandsaustriaca, i.e. works that were published or printed in Austria and are only available in one copy
  • Exception: dissertations, theses and university papers
  • Works from the special exhibition (addition new - special exhibition)
  • Works from the reference list of the reading rooms
  • Large-format volumes (D-E-F formats)
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Loose-leaf editions, illustrated books, maps, travel guides
  • Non-bound, paperback works
  • Works in poor condition
  • Leather-bound books, deluxe editions, artistically designed books
  • Non-book materials (microforms, CDs, etc.)
  • Collection works


Mailing address:
Leihstelle (Local Loan Desk)
Josefsplatz 1
1015 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 534 10-252

Entrance: Heldenplatz, Mitteltor der Neuen Hofburg

» Conditions of Borrowing of the Austrian National Library

Capacity library area at Heldenplatz

Due to the minimum distance required by the authorities, currently not all seats are available in the reading rooms. The capacity indicator serves as an orientation for your visit


183 seats are still available.

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