Securing Treasures for the Future

Your Donation Helps Conserve Cultural Heritage
Precious objects from the State Hall rank among the very special treasures from the former Habsburg collections. They need to be conserved and transferred to sustainable, acid-free protective jackets and boxes for coming generations to take pleasure in them.
Please help to protect our common cultural heritage for the future. I thank you most warmly for your contribution.
Dr. Johanna Rachinger
Director General of the Austrian National Library
The Austrian National Library’s sub tabula holdings comprise 260 large-size volumes from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, adorned with superb illustrations. The term ‘sub tabula’ refers to their having traditionally being kept in the State Hall, under the former work tables. These historically most valuable prints have suffered from having been stored in such exposed places over the centuries. These treasures are now to be restored by our conservators, transferred to sustainable and acid-free protective jackets and boxes and kept in an air-conditioned storage depot.
BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse AG (Bank Code 60000)
Wiedner Gürtel 11
1100 Vienna
IBAN: AT38-6000-0000-9605-0710
Your donation is tax-deductible.
We will be happy to advise you personally:
Tel.: +43 1 534 10-263