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2005: The Palais Mollard and the New Museums

In 2005, the Department of Music, the Globe and Esperanto Museums, and the Department of Planned Languages moved into newly adapted premises at the Palais Mollard at No. 9 Herrengasse in Vienna’s first district. The Globe Museum, which is unique in the world, presents 250 exquisite objects, including terrestrial and celestial globes, lunar and planetary globes, as well as astronomical instruments.

The most recent major addition so far was the installation of the Literature Museum at the “Grillparzerhaus”, the former “Hofkammerarchiv” (archives of the Aulic Chancellery) at No. 6 Johannesgasse in April 2015. Its name derives from the office of its former director, Franz Grillparzer, which has survived in its original state. The museum presents more than 200 years of Austrian literary history in the form of outstanding objects from the Austrian National Library’s literary archives.

In November 2018, the House of Austrian History will open in rooms at the Neue Burg to mark the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Austria. Another museum will thus be added to the Austrian National Library. It will commit itself to the transmission of knowledge about and a lively dialogue on recent and contemporary Austrian history.

» 2006: Long-term Strategic Concepts

Capacity library area at Heldenplatz

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