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  • Eine Besucherin und eine Besucher bestaunen eine Vitrine im Prunksaal
    You decide, we display!
    Vote for your "special exhibit" now
  • Großglockner mit Pasterze, Kartensammlung, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
    Großglockner with Pasterze
  • Homann: Europa, mit den habsburgischen Territorien um 1730
    Europe with the Habsburg territories, ca. 1730

The whole world under one roof

The Map Department of the Austrian National Library is one of the world’s most important institutions of its kind due to its comprehensive and valuable holdings. We collect and acquire old and modern maps, plans, atlases, globes, topographical plans, geographical reliefs as well as specialised geographical and cartographic literature and make these available to you.

Capacity library area at Heldenplatz

Due to the minimum distance required by the authorities, currently not all seats are available in the reading rooms. The capacity indicator serves as an orientation for your visit


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