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Conserving Precious Manuscripts


Help us conserve our cultural heritage for the next generations

It is our task to preserve unique manuscripts for subsequent generations as previous generations have done for us. Please help us ensure that this will continue in the future! With your support, we would like to store some 10,000 manuscripts in dust jackets and made-to-measure boxes so as to protect them on a long-term basis. Support us in our efforts to preserve our mutual cultural heritage — thank you very much!

Dr. Johanna Rachinger
Director General of the Austrian National Library

In its archives, the Austrian National Library stores unique and invaluable manuscripts. However, they are kept in fragile paper covers containing wood pulp, which could lead to yellowing and damage and cause the manuscripts to deteriorate.

With your help, we would like to relocate about 10,000 manuscripts and store them in acid-free dust jackets made from sustainable materials. Additionally, individually built boxes need to be produced. They will protect our treasures from dirt and variations in temperature. A donation of EUR 25 will help us fund a dust jacket, while EUR 50 will suffice for a tailor-made manuscript storage box.

» Donate online now

BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse AG (Bank Code 60000)
Wiedner Gürtel 11
1100 Vienna
IBAN: AT38-6000-0000-9605-0710

Your donation is tax-deductible.
We will be happy to advise you personally:

Tel.: +43 1 534 10-263

Capacity library area at Heldenplatz

Due to the minimum distance required by the authorities, currently not all seats are available in the reading rooms. The capacity indicator serves as an orientation for your visit


302 seats (reading rooms, lounge or research zone) are still available.

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