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This database includes literature about the manuscripts in the collection that are listed below. It is based among other things on bibliographical references which were collected by the Committee for Paleography and Codicology at the Academy of Sciences and published online in 1996 (see » Bibliography to Austrian manuscripts). The data available here is updated every month.

Please first select the reference type and then enter the reference in the second entry field. If you use the "no truncation" option, the system searches for exactly matching terms. The "with truncation" option is used to find collective entries for multi-volume works such as Cod. 2759-2764 ("Cod. 2759" is to be included) or - in the case of non-European manuscripts - to search for any sub-reference numbers (e.g.Cod. Mixt. 1015/2).

Manuscripts that have been returned and reference numbers that are unused - see » Directory - are marked with a hyphen (-) (e.g."Cod. 12-") and can only be searched for with truncation. Occasionally, codices are only quoted in the secondary literature with their prefixes. Click » here for information about these.

Handschriften, Akten, Inkunabeln etc.
Hofbibliotheksakten Akt HB.
Inkunabeln Ink.
Abendländische Handschriften Cod. Codices
- Cod. Ser. n.Codices Series nova - Neuerwerbungen ab 1870
Armenische Handschriften Cod. Armen.Codices Armeniaci
Äthiopische Handschriften Cod. Aethiop. Codices Aethiopici
Chinesische Handschriften Cim. Sin.Cimelia Sinica
Georgische Handschriften Cod. Georg.Codices Georgici
Griechische HandschriftenCod. Jur. gr.Codices Juridici graeci
-Cod. Hist. gr.Codices Historici graeci
-Cod. Phil. gr. Codices Philologici et Philosophici graeci
-Cod. Suppl. gr. Codices Supplementum graecum
-Cod. Theol. gr.Codices Theologici graeci
Handschriften-Fragmente Fragm.Fragmenta
Hebräische Handschriften Cod. Hebr.Codices Hebraici
Indische HandschriftenCod. Ind.Codices Indici
- Cod. Sanskr.Codices Sanskritici
Japanische Handschriften Cim. Jap.Cimelia Japonica
Koptische Handschriften Cod. Copt.Codices Coptici
Handschriften und Kunstalben Cod. Min.Codices Miniati
Mexikanische Handschriften Cod. Mexic.Codices Mexicani
Mongolische Handschriften Cod. Mongol.Codices Mongolici
Orientalische HandschriftenCod. A. F.Alter Fond
- Cod. N. F.Neuer Fond
- Cod. Mixt.Codices Mixti
- Cod. H. O.Codices Historia Osmanica
- Cod. Gl.Codices der Sammlung Glaser
Slawische HandschriftenCod. Slav.Codices Slavici
Syrische HandschriftenCod. Syr. Codices Syriaci

Weitere bibliografische Verweise auf Handschriften der Sammlung finden Sie unter folgenden Adressen:

» Medioevo Latino (MEL): Fachbibliographie zur abendländischen Mediävistik mit Schwerpunkt auf den philologischen Teildisziplinen

» Bibliografie zu österreichischen Handschriften / ÖAW, Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters

» - Online-Register der Zeitschrift Scriptorium


Für Hinweise und Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die » Handschriftensammlung.

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