Austrian National Library
Welcome to the Austrian National Library – the country’s largest library and central memory institution.
We are very pleased that the State Hall, the Literature Museum and all reading rooms are open again after the corona-related closing time. The House of Austrian History as well as the Papyrus, Globe and Esperanto Museum follow on Wednesday, July 1 and can then be visited from Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The safety of our visitors is our top priority. Therefore, hand disinfectants are available at all locations. We ask you to bring your own mouth and nose mask and to wear it during the entire stay (children under 6 years of age are exempt). Please keep distance of at least one meter (exception: people who live in the same household).
Since May 15 up to ten media items can be borrowed simultaneously by holders of a borrowing authorization. All media borrowed before March 11 (the library's closure) will be extended until June 14 inclusive, only then will dunning periods begin to run. The usual deadlines apply to media borrowed after May 15.
After reopening the library, the Austrian National Library automatically extends all currently valid annual tickets for the duration of the corona-dependent closing time free of charge.