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Searching the collections in the Department of Planned Languages

Collage Esperanto-Zeitschriften

In the » Complete holdings of the Department of Planned Languages, you can search for printed material, images (photographs, postcards, museum items, posters), sound recordings (CDs, tapes, records), films (DVDs, VHS tapes) and archive material.

Bildarchiv Austria (Picture Archive Austria)

Here you can view » about 14,000 images (photographs, postcards, packaging strips, posters, museum items) related to Esperanto and planned languages, for academic, commercial or editorial copy purposes.

Holdings of personal and institutional provenance

Find out more about the » Lifetime and posthumous bequests that are looked after by the Department of Planned Languages, and the archives of institutions, publishing houses and journals.

Digital media

Read online from early printed material about planned languages – in » Periodicals and » Books – and in selected publications about the » World Esperanto Congress and » World War I.

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