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Bistro ReFresh! – read & enjoy fresh food

"Bistro ReFresh!" welcomes staff members and readers of the Austrian National Library as well as external guests for a great variety of freshly prepared meals and culinary pleasures with regional ingredients. In keeping with its motto "read & enjoy fresh food" the new establishment serves late breakfasts, healthy, light dishes for lunch, various cold and warm meals beside snacks for small appetites. Coffee specialities and homemade, sweet temptations complete the rich offer. 

Recharge your batteries in the Bistro ReFresh!, slow down, unwind and simply refresh in the noble ambience of the Austrian National Library. 

We are open from Monday – Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Bistro ReFresh!
Neue Burg, entrance Burggarten
1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 664 88523260

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