
The ONB Labs open digital collections and metadata to promote and inspire active experimentation, artistic and creative work.

The images, text and metadata you can find here are fully open for you to do whatever you like and the matching tools will support your engagement. The ONB Labs are a flexible service, which we will continuously revise and extend.

These are some sketches to show you how our tools and data sets can be used:

Use Python and IIIF to

Analyse Colors

Colors of Historic Postcards

Use Metadata to

Create an AV-Performance

Audiovisual Performance "Into Our Sun"

Use Metadata Filters to

Search for Sceneries

Scenery in Postcards

Use Python to

Analyse Historic Newspapers

Languages in Our Historic Newspapers

Use an Image Cropper to

Chop Up Christoph Steiner's Ties

Christoph Steiner's Ties

Latest Additions

Apr 24, 2019 – Topic: Analyse Postcard Colors

Add color swatches as a colorful overview for our data set 'Historic Postcards'.

Apr 1, 2019 – Topic: Chop Up Ties

Add an image cropping tool to grab snapshots from one of the ONBs most precious collections.

Mar 26, 2019 – Topic: AV-Performance

Add Thomas Wagensommerer's audiovisual performance 'Into Our Sun' as a new topic.