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  • Ausstellungsplakat WIEN
    A city seen through literature
    From April 12 at the Literature Museum
  • Telegram from Hannah Arendt to Günter Anders after successfully fleeing to the USA
    Gerettet! (Saved!)
    Telegram from Hannah Arendt to Günter Anders after successfully fleeing to the USA
  • Peter Handke’s note book for a novel
    „Ins tiefe Österreich“ (“Deep into Austria”)
    Peter Handke’s note book for a novel

A finger on the pulse of literature

Whether it be the poems of Ingeborg Bachmann, plays by Ödön von Horvath or novels by Peter Handke, you can find the originals in the Literary Archive, one of the most important institutions of its kind in the German-speaking region. We collect and acquire literary legacies, both pre- and post-death, of Austrian authors from the 20th century (notably from 1945) and make them available for research purposes.

We were recently able to acquire a significant portion of the literary estate of the Jewish intellectual and salonnière » Bertha Zuckerkandl.

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