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Information pursuant to Sec. 5 of the E-Commerce Act (ECG), Sec. 25 of the Media Act and Sec. 14 of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB):

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Authorised representatives:
Director General Dr Johanna Rachinger (Scientific Director) and Mag. Richard Starkel (Commercial Director)
» Rules of procedure for the management

Business purpose and principal direction:
The business purpose of the Austrian National Library is to collect, preserve, document and process the collections consigned to, or acquired by, the Austrian National Library on a permanent or temporary basis and make them available to the public, taking into account the principles of appropriateness, efficiency and economy. This website should facilitate public access to the information and holdings of the Austrian National Library.

Relevant supervisory authorities (pursuant to Sec. 3 of the Austrian Federal Museums Act 2002):
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Board of Trustees (economic supervisory body pursuant to Sec. 6 Austrian Federal Museums Act 2002):

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Mag. Werner Muhm (debuty chairman)
Dr. Barbara Damböck 
GF Mag. Markus Feigl 
HR Dir. Christine Gubitzer 
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Beate Neunteufel-Zechner 
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Univ.-Doz. Dr. Heidemarie Uhl 
MR Mag. Gerlinde Weilinger
» Rules of procedure for the Board of Trustees

Legal foundations of the Austrian National Library are in particular the » Austrian Federal Museums Act 2002 and the » Library and Museum Regulation.

Guidelines on the legal collection assigment of the Austrian National Library can be found » here.

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