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Time travel through 650 years of Austrian National Library

From the Middle Ages through the baroque period to the present day: come with us on a short visit through the most important periods in the history of the Austrian National Library!

Evangeliar von Troppau, Einband

Foundation Codex and Medieval Treasure

Written in gold letters and superbly illuminated: the Troppau Gospel Book.

Siegel, AEIOU

Emperor Frederick III and the Bohemian Heritage

The book collection of Emperor Frederick III can be considered as forming the core holdings of the imperial court library

Portrait Kaiser Maximilian I.

Emperor Maximilian I and the Origins of the “Bibliotheca Regia”“

The “Last Knight” sees to the expansion of the library, which for the first time is referred to as “Bibliotheca Regia”, royal library.  

Portrait Augerius Ghislain von Busbeck

Scholars and Their Libraries

A gradual change of the library’s function: from preserving a treasure to a place of knowledge

Portrait Hugo Blotius

Hugo Blotius: First Imperial Librarian

Emperor Maximilian II appoints the much-travelled Dutch scholar first official librarian. 

Portrait Bibliothekspräfekt Matthäus Mauchter

Acquisition of the Library of Philipp Fugger

The imperial library acquires a book collection comprising 15,000 volumes for 12,000 guilders. 

Portrait Bibliothekspräfekt Peter Lambeck

Library Prefect Peter Lambeck

The term of office of the scholar from Hamburg sees the transfer of the Ambras library to Vienna

Deckenfresko Prunksaal

The Baroque World in the State Hall

The crucial turning point in the court library’s history: Emperor Charles VI initiates the construction of a library building in today’s Josefsplatz.  

Portrait Gerard van Swieten

Gerard van Swieten Appointed Prefect of the Court Library

In 1745, the “Little Republican”, better known as Maria Theresa’s personal physician, is called to Vienna as prefect of the court library.  

Portrait Gottfried van Swieten

The Oldest Card Catalogue

A milestone in the organisation of the library: Gottfried van Swieten (Gerard van Swieten’s son) compiles the first card catalogue in the history of librarianship

Michael Denis als Bibliothekar

Scholarship at the Library – Michael Denis and Adam von Bartsch

Important scholars are called to the library under Gottfried van Swieten.   

Moritz Graf von Dietrichstein-Proskau-Leslie

National Library of the Austrian Empire

The establishment of individual collections facilitates the administration and analysis of the now separately grouped holdings. 

Ernst von Birk

The Age of Reading

In a year of revolutions, the Hofburg is set on fire. Once the uprisings were crushed, the court library again becomes the centre of academic life.  


The Karabacek Period

Joseph von Karabacek’s term of office sees the acquisition of Archduke Rainer’s important papyrus collection and the opening of the Augustinian Reading Room

Josef Donabaum

The Court Library Becomes the National Library

After the fall of the monarchy the collections and the fideicommissum library pass into the possession of the republic. The library is now referred to as National Library. 

Generaldirektor Josef Bick (1923-1938, 1945-49)

The National Library in the Corporate State

Public libraries are “purged” of Social Democratic literature. The National Library serves as a collecting point for confiscated books

Bücherevakuierung aus dem Prunksaal 1943

Political Abuse of the Library under the NS-Regime

The National Library’s director pursues an aggressive acquisition policy. The loot is allocated to the library’s own holdings and to libraries of the Third Reich. 

Das durch einen Bombentreffer im März 1945 zerstörte Albertina-Gebäude

A New Beginning in the Second Republic

The “National Library” is renamed “Austrian National Library” and becomes an important identity-creating symbol of the Second Republic

Großer Lesesaal, Neue Hofburg, 1966

Moving into the Neue Burg

In 1966 a new and generously spaced user area was created at the Neue Burg for an ever-growing number of readers.

ANNO, Screenshot

Taking off for the Digital Age

The Austrian National Library faces up to the challenges of the media revolution and seeks to make the best possible use of the possibilities arising from it. 

Vision 2025, Cover

The Library of the Future: Vision 2025

The transformation of a traditional twentieth-century academic library into an open knowledge centre of the twenty-first century is at the basis of the five crucial goals of Vision 2025.

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