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Loans of the Austrian National Library for Exhibitions

Objects from the holdings of the Austrian National Library can be loaned for the purpose of an exhibition with the consent of the current director of the Department. A written request with details of the desired objects (if possible with call numbers) is to be sent to the director of the relevant Collection, with the following information:

  • The name of the borrower
  • The title of the exhibition
  • The place and duration of the exhibition.

Loans for exhibitions require in every case a written contractual agreement (» Lending Agreement).
The costs that are foreseen for loans to exhibitions are to be found in the » Provisional cost estimate for loans.
The following deadlines are to be observed:

  • Loan request with a list of desired objects
    at least 6 months before the start of the exhibition
  • Guarantee to shoulder costs according to the Provisional Overview of Costs Incurred in Borrowing 
    at least 4 months before the start of the exhibition 
    (later than that no changes in the list of objects are possible!)
  • Return of the signed loan contract 
    at least 1 month before transport of the objects
  • Insurance policies 
    at least 8 days before transport of objects

We draw your attention to the fact that orders for reproduction of copies from catalogues must be placed in the relevant Department independently of the » Lending Agreement.

Costs and fees
The costs incurred can only be calculated exactly when a loan agreement is concluded. The processing flat rate covers administration, documentation, security copies and object manipulation.

up to 10 itemsProcessing flat rate (determined on the basis of the insurance value of all objects = the root of the insurance value x 5) Minimum fee 
EUR 165.00
11 or more items
Accompaniment by a courier
each additional item plusEUR 50.00
Accompaniment by a courierDaily allowance    EUR 55.00
Flat rate for working timeEUR 165.00
Accompaniment by a courier within Vienna(incl. 20 km from the city limits) ½ daily allowance, ½ flat rate for working timeEUR 27.50 / EUR 82.50
  Hotel and travel expenses (in the amount incurred)         
Restoration costsRestoration fee (ANL) per hourEUR 50.00
Fee for providing frames during the period of lending
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