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K13/2017 English for Library and Service Desk Staff

The aim of this seminar is to learn basic library terminology so that you feel more confident when talking to a user in English. Typical library situations which will be practised will include:

• giving general information about your library
• giving directions
• asking questions politely
• dealing with problems and complaints politely

Kurstermin 27.09.2017 / 09.00 – 16.30
Vortragende/r Veronica Woloszczuk-Dal-Bianco / selbstständige Trainerin
Zielgruppe This seminar is for library staff who sometimes have to speak English at work and who only have a very basic knowledge of English
Voraussetzungen elementary / lower intermediate English
Kosten & Lern-Abo-Punkte € 144,– / 2 Punkte



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