Dewey goes Europe: on the use and development of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) in European libraries
The Austrian National Library, in collaboration with the European DDC Users’ Group (EDUG), invites the international library community to attend the symposium.
Tuesday, 28 April, 2009, 9.30 until 16.15
Oratory of the Austrian National Library
Josefsplatz 1
1010 Vienna
- DDC Programm
- DDC Abstracts
- Heidrun Alex: DDC in Germany
- Gordon Dunsire: Terminology services and the DDC
- Jessica Hubrich: Retrieval Concepts and Mapping Strategies
- Patrice Landry: Introduction to EDUG
- Patrice Landry: The use of the DDC at the Swiss National Library
- Joan S. Mitchell: Inside the DDC
- Ingebjørg Rype & Magdalena Svanberg: Dewey in Scandinavia
- Lars G. Svensson: DDC on the Semantic Web
- Thordis T. Thorarinsdottir: On the use of Dewey in Iceland
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