Grillparzerhaus, Johannesgasse 6, 1010 Vienna
Opening Hours
Summer Opening Hours (June, July, August, September)
daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. , Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
The art of the written word: The Literature Museum of the Austrian National Library presents Austrian literature from the 18th century to the present – comprehensively and in all its variety.
Johann Nestroy, Arthur Schnitzler, Franz Kafka, Ilse Aichinger, Ingeborg Bachmann, Thomas Bernhard, Friederike Mayröcker – these are only some of the names of major Austrian authors whose letters, works and creativity is presented in Literature Museum of the Austrian National Library using unique original sources and numerous media points.
As one of Vienna’s most exciting “cultural building blocks”, the Museum is currently being created at a place that could hardly be more suitable for the history and present of Austrian literature: in the premises of the former Austro-Hungarian Exchequer Archive constructed in 1848. It was here that Franz Grillparzer, one of the leading figures of 19th-century Austrian literature, served as archive director. The office in which some of his works were written has been preserved in its original condition to the present and is an integral part of the Museum.
A varied and innovative permanent exhibition on two floors shows books, manuscripts, letters, drawings, photos as well as fascinating exhibits such as Ernst Jandl’s director’s chair or a model for the “Rose house” from Adalbert Stifter’s novel “Der Nachsommer”. The third storey will be used for special exhibitions. The ground floor is available for readings, workshops and discussions. Occupying a total of 750 m², the Literature Museum will in this way present a living and open picture of Austrian literature from the end of the 18th century to the present.