Children of Abraham – The Bible in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Judaism, Christianity as well as Islam are children of Abraham, one of the most interesting figures in the Old Testament. But Jews, Christians and Muslims are also linked by the fact that they are "people of the book" - be it the Torah, the Bible or the Quran. The new exhibition at the Papyrus Museum traces the origins of these sacred texts and presents unique objects from the valuable collections of the Austrian National Library.
More than 90 precious originals from antiquity as well as from the middle ages can be seen. Among them are fragments from the oldest known biblical scrolls, illuminiated Hebrew manuscripts and early Arabic scriptures. Many of them go on display for the very first time.
One of the most impressive objects of the exhibition is a missal from the 13th century which was written in Greek, Coptic and Arabic - a stunning smybol for cultural and religious diversity.
Papyrus Museum, Heldenplatz, Neue Burg, Mitteltor, 1010 Vienna
12 June 2014 – 11 January 2015