Index of contents
- Facsimile reproduction
- scientific publications
- books, pocket books, school books, periodicals, travel guides, picture books, exhibition catalogues
- reference works, encyclopedias, lexicons
- illustrated magazines, membership magazines, technical magazines, contributory magazines, publications on events, program notes, information brochures
- daily and weekly newspapers
- calendars
- Postkarten und Glückwunschkarten
- postcards and congratulatory cards
- DVD, CD-ROM, CDI, video film
- film and television
- placards and posters
- print media
- prospectuses, business reports, company brochures, mailings, mail order catalogues, catalogues, flyers, handbills, etc.
- packing materials, labels, envelopes
- exhibitions
- lump sum costing
- loan of originals for exhibition
- exceptions and other utilisations
Charges for using elsewhere
The charges for using material from the Austrian National Library for publication elsewhere are governed by the type of material obtained from us and the type of publication.
When using materials of the Austrian National Library for publication and exhibitions it is obligatory in every case to quote in full the source of the pictures.
In addition to the charges mentioned below there is an obligation to deliver to us free of charge two specimen copies (for publications in Austria, one) of every publication which contain reproductions made from materials belonging to the Austrian National Library.
Use of items from the Austrian National Library for facsimile reproductions
Production of facsimiles of works in the Austrian National Library requires a written contractual agreement and the explicit permission of the Directorate General.
Use of items (BW and coloured) of the Austrian National Library in scholarly publications
The costs of making the reproduction are not included in the tariffs set out below, and are calculated separately.
Scholarly works are:
research publications, printed dissertations, post-doctoral theses, printed diploma theses, diploma theses, technical papers, research reports (unpublished dissertations and diploma papers are cost free)
No. of copies up to
1.000 | 22,00 |
5.000 | 27,50 |
> 5.000 | 41,25 |
Surcharges | |
Cover | plus 100 % |
One added language | plus 25 % |
Lump sum all languages | plus 300 % |
All media package | plus 50 % |
New edition | |
With a new ISBN no. | Prices as for first use |
With the same ISBN no. | 50 % rebate |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication in books, pocket books, school books, periodicals, travel guides, picture books, exhibition catalogues
without promotional utilisation (editorial)
No. of copies up to |
Copy format up to A4 | |||
1/4 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 2/1 | |
3.000 | 38,50 | 44,00 | 66,00 | 88,00 |
5.000 | 49,50 | 55,00 | 82,50 | 110,00 |
10.000 | 55,00 | 60,50 | 93,50 | 132,00 |
25.000 | 71,50 | 77,00 | 104,50 | 159,50 |
50.000 | 82,50 | 88,00 | 115,50 | 181,50 |
100.000 | 99,00 | 104,50 | 132,00 | 209,00 |
250.000 | 121,00 | 126,50 | 165,00 | 242,00 |
500.000 | 143,00 | 148,50 | 181,50 | 275,00 |
1,000.000 | 165,00 | 170,50 | 198,00 | 308,00 |
Surcharges | |
Cover | plus 100 % |
One added language | plus 25 % |
Lump sum all languages | plus 300 % |
All media package | plus 50 % |
New edition | |
With a new ISBN no. | Prices as for first use |
With the same ISBN no. | 50 % rebate |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication in reference books, encyclopedias, lexicons
without promotional utilisation (editorial)
No. of copies up to |
Copy format | |||
1 column | 2 columns | Multi-columned | 2/1 | |
10.000 | 33,00 | 55,00 | 88,00 | 132,00 |
25.000 | 49,50 | 71,50 | 104,50 | 159,50 |
50.000 | 60,50 | 88,00 | 115,50 | 181,50 |
100.000 | 71,50 | 99,00 | 132,00 | 209,00 |
250.000 | 88,00 | 126,50 | 148,50 | 231,00 |
500.000 | 110,00 | 143,00 | 165,00 | 253,00 |
1,000.000 | 132,00 | 165,00 | 187,00 | 275,00 |
Surcharges | |
Cover | plus 100 % |
One added language | plus 25 % |
Lump sum all languages | plus 300 % |
All media package | plus 50 % |
New edition | |
With a new ISBN no. | Prices as for first use |
With the same ISBN no. | 50 % rebate |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication in illustrated periodicals, members’ magazines, technical magazines, contributory magazines, publications of events, program notes
without promotional utilisation (editorial)
No. of copies up to |
Copy format | ||||
1/8 | 1/4 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 2/1 | |
5.000 | 30,00 | 35,00 | 40,00 | 45,00 | 50,00 |
10.000 | 37,50 | 43,00 | 48,00 | 53,00 | 58,00 |
25.000 | 45,00 | 50,00 | 55,00 | 65,00 | 80,00 |
50.000 | 82,50 | 88,00 | 110,00 | 154,00 | 220,00 |
100.000 | 93,50 | 99,00 | 132,00 | 176,00 | 253,00 |
250.000 | 110,00 | 121,00 | 154,00 | 209,00 | 308,00 |
500.000 | 121,00 | 143,00 | 176,00 | 242,00 | 352,00 |
1,000.000 | 143,00 | 170,50 | 198,00 | 275,00 | 407,00 |
2,000.000 | 165,00 | 192,50 | 220,00 | 308,00 | 462,00 |
5,000.000 | 198,00 | 231,00 | 253,00 | 363,00 | 528,00 |
from 5,000.000 | 220,00 | 275,00 | 330,00 | 440,00 | 605,00 |
Surcharges | |
Cover | plus 100 % |
All media package | plus 50 % |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication in daily and weekly newspapers
without promotional utilisation (editorial)
No. of copies up to |
Copy format | ||
1 column | Multi-column | Front-page stories | |
25.000 | 44,00 | 55,00 | 66,00 |
50.000 | 60,50 | 71,50 | 77,00 |
100.000 | 71,50 | 82,50 | 88,00 |
250.000 | 88,00 | 99,00 | 110,00 |
500.000 | 99,00 | 110,00 | 121,00 |
1,000.000 | 110,00 | 121,00 | 132,00 |
Surcharges | |
Every extra million | plus 10 % |
All media package | plus 50 % |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication in calendars
without promotional utilisation (editorial)
No. of copies up to |
Copy format | ||||
DIN A6 | DIN A5 | DIN A4 | DIN A3 | from DIN A3 | |
2.000 | 110,00 | 132,00 | 159,50 | 187,00 | 220,00 |
5.000 | 143,00 | 165,00 | 192,50 | 203,50 | 242,00 |
10.000 | 165,00 | 187,00 | 214,50 | 220,00 | 275,00 |
25.000 | 192,50 | 214,50 | 242,00 | 253,00 | 319,00 |
50.000 | 220,00 | 231,00 | 264,00 | 275,00 | 341,00 |
100.000 | 242,00 | 253,00 | 286,00 | 308,00 | 385,00 |
Surcharges | |
For each extra 100,000 | plus 15% over the fee for copies up to 100,000 |
Discount | |
For use of reverse side | 25 % |
Promotional utilisation (commercial imprint/commercial calendar)
No. of copies up to |
Copy format up to | ||||
DIN A6 | DIN A5 | DIN A4 | DIN A3 | from DIN A3 | |
2.000 | 220,00 | 264,00 | 319,00 | 374,00 | 440,00 |
5.000 | 286,00 | 330,00 | 385,00 | 407,00 | 484,00 |
10.000 | 330,00 | 374,00 | 429,00 | 440,00 | 550,00 |
25.000 | 385,00 | 429,00 | 484,00 | 506,00 | 638,00 |
50.000 | 440,00 | 462,00 | 528,00 | 550,00 | 682,00 |
100.000 | 484,00 | 506,00 | 572,00 | 616,00 | 770,00 |
Each extra 100.000 | 66,00 | 77,00 | 88,00 | 110,00 | 132,00 |
Surcharges | |
For Europe or English-speaking countries | plus 100% |
Global rights elsewhere | plus 150% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication on picture postcards and congratulatory cards
No. of copies up to |
Copy format up to | ||
DIN A6 | DIN A5 | ||
5.000 | 154,00 | 198,00 | |
10.000 | 198,00 | 242,00 | |
25.000 | 280,50 | 297,00 | |
50.000 | 363,00 | 385,00 | |
100.000 | 407,00 | 418,00 | |
Each extra 100.000 | 55,00 | 55,00 |
Surcharges | |
From DIN A5 | plus 20% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication in the Internet
The prices quoted are for copies with dimensions 10 x 15 with 72 dpi
Promotional utilisation (commercial)
Right of use up to
Intranet/Internet (obligatory cost)
3 months | 25,00 | 35,00 | |
6 months | 35,00 | 50,00 | |
1 year | 50,00 | 75,00 | |
3 years | 75,00 | 120,00 | |
5 years | 100,00 | 150,00 |
Surcharges | |
Unlimited presentation | plus 200% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for inclusion in electronic media, DVD, CD ROM, CDI, video etc.
No. of copies up to
1.000 | 132,00 |
3.000 | 154,00 |
5.000 | 176,00 |
10.000 | 198,00 |
25.000 | 225,50 |
50.000 | 253,00 |
100.000 | 297,00 |
250.000 | 363,00 |
500.000 | 440,00 |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for use in films and television
One-off broadcast
Area for one broadcast and one repeat | |
Regional / National | 50,00 |
German-language area | 110,00 |
Europe or English-language area | 150,00 |
Worldwide | 180,00 |
Surcharges | |
Unlimited broadcast within one year | plus 25% |
Unlimited broadcast over 5 years | plus 50% |
Unlimited broadcast over 10 years | plus 75% |
Packets | |
Unlimited broadcast within one year plus distribution by film, video, new media | plus 50% |
Unlimited broadcast over 5 years plus distribution by film, video, new media | plus 100% |
Unlimited broadcast over 10 years plus distribution by film, video, new media | plus 150% |
Television (commercial)
Per fade-in (10 seconds) | |||
Advertisement (1 - 15 broadcasts) | Constant advertisement | ||
1 broadcast | 1320,00 | 440,00 |
Surcharges | |
Advertisements | |
16 to 20 | plus 25% |
21 to 29 | plus 35% |
30 to 69 | plus 50% |
70 to 99 | plus 75% |
from 100 | plus 100% |
Europe or English-language area | plus 200% |
Global rights | plus 300% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for publication on placards and posters
without promotional utilisation (editorial)
No. of copies up to
Copy format up to
DIN A2 | DIN A1 | DIN A0 | |
5.000 | 660,00 | 880,00 | 1210,00 |
10.000 | 770,00 | 1100,00 | 1485,00 |
25.000 | 902,00 | 1320,00 | 1705,00 |
50.000 | 1100,00 | 1540,00 | 1980,00 |
100.000 | 1265,00 | 1980,00 | 2310,00 |
Each extra 100.000 | 220,00 | 275,00 | 440,00 |
Promotional utilisation (commercial)
No. of copies up to
Copy format DIN
A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | |
100 | 198,00 | 231,00 | 253,00 | 330,00 | 385,00 | 462,00 |
500 | 220,00 | 253,00 | 308,00 | 385,00 | 462,00 | 539,00 |
1.000 | 253,00 | 308,00 | 385,00 | 462,00 | 539,00 | 660,00 |
2.500 | 308,00 | 385,00 | 462,00 | 539,00 | 660,00 | 792,00 |
5.000 | 385,00 | 462,00 | 539,00 | 660,00 | 792,00 | 935,00 |
10.000 | 473,00 | 550,00 | 605,00 | 770,00 | 935,00 | 1100.00 |
Each extra 5.000 |
77,00 | 88,00 | 99,00 | 110,00 | 132,00 | 154,00 |
No. of copies up to
Copy format sheet
4 | 8 | 16 | 24 | größer | ||
100 | 660,00 | 792,00 | 1210,00 | 1595,00 | 2530,00 | |
500 | 792,00 | 935,00 | 1430,00 | 1980,00 | 3080,00 | |
1.000 | 935,00 | 1100,00 | 1705,00 | 2530,00 | 3740,00 | |
2.500 | 1100,00 | 1320,00 | 1980,00 | 3080,00 | 4400,00 | |
5.000 | 1320,00 | 1595,00 | 2420,00 | 3740,00 | 5170,00 | |
10.000 | 1540,00 | 1870,00 | 2750,00 | 4180,00 | 6050,00 | |
Each extra 5.000 |
220,00 | 250,00 | 330,00 | 660,00 | 770,00 |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for advertisements in print media
promotional utilisation (commercial)
No. of copies up to
Copy format up to a page
1/8 | 1/4 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 2/1 | |
5.000 | 209,00 | 264,00 | 330,00 | 385,00 | 572,00 |
10.000 | 231,00 | 286,00 | 363,00 | 418,00 | 638,00 |
25.000 | 253,00 | 330,00 | 396,00 | 462,00 | 704,00 |
50.000 | 286,00 | 374,00 | 440,00 | 528,00 | 792,00 |
100.000 | 330,00 | 418,00 | 506,00 | 594,00 | 880,00 |
250.000 | 385,00 | 495,00 | 594,00 | 693,00 | 1012,00 |
500.000 | 462,00 | 572,00 | 682,00 | 803,00 | 1210,00 |
1,000.000 | 550,00 | 660,00 | 792,00 | 990,00 | 1430,00 |
3.000.000 | 660,00 | 792,00 | 1012,00 | 1210,00 | 1760,00 |
5.000.000 | 792,00 | 1012,00 | 1210,00 | 1430,00 | 2090,00 |
7.000.000 | 902,00 | 1122,00 | 1430,00 | 1650,00 | 2310,00 |
10.000.000 | 1012,00 | 1320,00 | 1650,00 | 1870,00 | 2750,00 |
15.000.000 | 1232,00 | 1551,00 | 2013,00 | 2288,00 | 3300,00 |
20.000.000 | 1540,00 | 1870,00 | 2376,00 | 2706,00 | 3850,00 |
Each extra 5.000.000 |
231,00 | 275,00 | 363,00 | 418,00 | 550,00 |
Surcharges | |
Title | plus 100% |
Revere side | plus 50% |
2nd or 3rd cover page | plus 25% |
4 - 7 advertising media | plus 25% |
8 - 12 advertising media | plus 35% |
13 - 22 advertising media | plus 50% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for prospectuses, business reports, company brochures, mailings, mail order catalogues, catalogues, flyers, handbills, etc.
promotional use (commercial)
No. of copies up to
Copy format
DIN A7 | DIN A6 | DIN A5 | DIN A4 | DIN A3 | |
2.000 | 154,00 | 165,00 | 198,00 | 264,00 | 319,00 |
5.000 | 165,00 | 176,00 | 209,00 | 275,00 | 341,00 |
10.000 | 176,00 | 198,00 | 231,00 | 308,00 | 374,00 |
25.000 | 198,00 | 220,00 | 253,00 | 341,00 | 407,00 |
50.000 | 220,00 | 242,00 | 275,00 | 374,00 | 440,00 |
100.000 | 242,00 | 264,00 | 319,00 | 418,00 | 495,00 |
250.000 | 264,00 | 308,00 | 352,00 | 462,00 | 561,00 |
500.000 | 308,00 | 352,00 | 396,00 | 528,00 | 627,00 |
1.000.000 | 352,00 | 396,00 | 462,00 | 627,00 | 737,00 |
2.500.000 | 429,00 | 506,00 | 572,00 | 770,00 | 880,00 |
5.000.000 | 572,00 | 660,00 | 770,00 | 1056,00 | 1210,00 |
Each extra 1.000.000 |
66,00 | 77,00 | 88,00 | 110,00 | 132,00 |
Surcharges | |
Title / envelope | plus 100% |
Multilingual: one added language | plus 25% |
Multilingual: all languages | plus 100% |
Europe or English-language area | plus 100% |
Global rights | plus 150% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for packing materials, labels, envelopes
Promotional use (commercial)
No. of copies up to
Copy format up to
DIN A8 | DIN A7 | DIN A6 | DIN A5 | DIN A4 | DIN A3 | |
5.000 | 220,00 | 275,00 | 330,00 | 396,00 | 484,00 | 572,00 |
20.000 | 275,00 | 330,00 | 396,00 | 484,00 | 572,00 | 693,00 |
50.000 | 330,00 | 396,00 | 484,00 | 572,00 | 693,00 | 825,00 |
100.000 | 396,00 | 484,00 | 572,00 | 693,00 | 825,00 | 990,00 |
500.000 | 484,00 | 572,00 | 693,00 | 825,00 | 990,00 | 1210,00 |
1.000.000 | 550,00 | 660,00 | 792,00 | 935,00 | 1122,00 | 1430,00 |
Each extra 500.000 |
60,50 | 77,00 | 88,00 | 110,00 | 121,00 | 143,00 |
Surcharges | |
Europe or English-speaking areas | plus 50% |
Global world rights | plus 100% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library in exhibitions
Copy format
Up to 30x40 | over 30x40 | |
National / regional | 25,00 | 50,00 |
International / multinational | 65,00 | 120,00 |
Touring / permanent exhibitions | 120,00 | 240,00 |
Surcharges | |
Commercial exploitation | plus 50% |
All-inclusive prices
Surcharge | |
If picture credits are either missing or ambiguous | plus 50% |
Use without permission/agreement | plus 100% |
Charges for use of material (BW and coloured) from the Austrian National Library for exhibition purposes
In every case where originals are borrowed for exhibition purposes a loan contract with the Austrian National Library must be entered into. The exact costs involved cannot be calculated until the loan contract is finalised.
Exceptions and other uses
The prices given above are not relevant for particularly endangered or other holdings declared special! For those objects prices must be agreed upon. Uses not nominated in the tariffs given above are also subject to prices arrived at by agreement. In such cases we ask that there be a written inquiry.