In the Papyrus Museum there are about 200 objects on permanent display.
- The Book of the Faiyum: papyrus, hieroglyphic version, 11 fragments, 332 BC – 4. Cent. AD (Aeg. 9975)

- Poetic description of Pi-Ramesse: hieratic, 27 x 18 cm, 12th Cent. BC (Aeg. 53)

- Mummy label, limestone: demotic, 6 x 5,3 cm, 30 BC – 50 AD (DO 347)

- The Contest for Inaros’ Amor (detail): demotic, 6 m in total, app. 115 fragments, 137/138 AD (D 6521 +)

- The Action of Artemisia, papyrus: Greek, 35,5 cm x 8,5 cm, 4th Cent. BC (G1)

- Libellus of the Decian persecution: papyrus, Greek, 10,5 x 9,1 cm, 250 AD (G 29947)

- Sallust, Historiae: parchment, Latin, 13,3 x 18,8 cm, 4th Cent. AD (L 117)

- Amulet against Scorpion: paper, Coptic, 5,7 x 6,5 cm, 10th-11th Cent. AD (K 7110)

- Arab horseman: paper, Arabic, 9,5 x 7,3 cm, 10th Cent. AD (ACh 11416)
Papyrus Museum
Heldenplatz, New Hofburg
PO box 25
1010 Wien
Tel.: (+43 1) 534 10-420
Fax: (+43 1) 534 10-395