Austrian National Bibliography

The Austrian Bibliography is published by the Austrian National Library and has been available online since 2003.

In the list of new Austrian publications are included all new works published or printed in Austria which are delivered in conformity with the media law as obligatory copies to the Austrian National Library. Once a year appear in the framework of the A series the Sonderhefte Musica practica (Special issues of Musica practica) and Maps, which contain respectively music prints and geographical maps.

Series B and C, which till 1999 appeared in printed form, are easy to research as database excerpts found in the catalogue of the Austrian National Library.

Reihe B, Verzeichnis der österreichischen Hochschulschriften

Die Reihe B, Verzeichnis der österreichischen Hochschulschriften, ist von 1987 bis 1999 als eigene Druckausgabe erschienen. Heute können alle österreichischen Hochschulschriften über den Reiter „Hochschulschriften“ der Verbundsuchmaschine.

Reihe C, Neuere ausländische Austriaca

Die Druckausgabe der Reihe C, Neuere ausländische Austriaca, wurde mit Jahrgang 1991 (Erscheinungsjahr 1999) eingestellt. Über die Suchmaschine QuickSearch können mit dem Suchbegriff „OeBC“ alle Auslandsaustriaca ab Erscheinungsjahr 1992 sowie früher erschienene, aber erst nach 1991 von der Nationalbibliothek erworbene Werke gefunden werden.

Austrian Bibliography online

A series: list of new publications in Austria
Every second week online publications appear; since 2003 they have replaced the printed version of Austrian Bibliography. They list up-to-date all media published or printed in Austria.
B series: list of Austrian tertiary theses
Database excerpts from the catalogue of the Austrian National Library containing all Austrian tertiary theses that have been processed in the Austrian National Library since 2000.
Reihe C: Neuere ausländische Austriaca
A selected bibliography of new Austriaca coming from other countries with date of publication from 1992 on, as well as works published earlier but not acquired till 1991 or as database excerpts in the catalogue of the Austrian National Library.

Austrian Bibliography

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1015 Vienna
(+43 1) 534 10 - 405
(+43 1) 534 10 - 682

last update 4/9/2014