
The client card of the Austrian National Library is valid in the Picture Archives too. All of the objects and books in the collection can be ordered and inspected as long as there are no objections on conservation grounds. Collection items and books that are ordered are as a rule ready for inspection the next day.


Scans in various sizes of the collection objects in the Picture Archives can be ordered, and elaborations of them done. Coloured slides can be borrowed for a fee. If a picture is to be used for publication in some work, you must pay for that use a fee fixed by the current scale of tariffs set by the Asustrian National Library.


Requests for reproductions are charged at the current Austrian National Library rate. For full information please see our fees schedule.

Loans to exhibitions

A written request for loans with details of the desired objects (with call numbers if possible) is to be sent to the director of the Department, together with name of the borrower, the title, the place and duration of the exhibition. Conditions and costs you will find in the loan contract.


Written questions

Picture Archives and Graphics Department of the Austrian National Library
Josefsplatz 1
PO box 308
1015 Wien
Fax: (+43 1) 53410-331

last update 10/15/2013