Inquiries, research service

Information service / Contact

Get direct help from a member of the Austrian National Library reference staff. You have a number of options for getting in touch ...


Information service / Details

Research will be carried out to order in a vast range of subject areas by specially trained information experts. Information services offered are free-of-charge information, which covers simple enquiries that can be answered within 30 minutes, as well as Book a Librarian - Information for a fee, which covers literature searches, detailed bibliographical or biographical enquiries or subject-matter searches ...


Supervised database research

The staff at the service area “Databases – electronic research” give advice on choosing online media, help in searching for databases or, if requested, carry out database searches and offer database training ...


Research tips for genealogists

Tips on preparing your research, information on relevant materials, indications on specialist institutions ...


last update 9/15/2013