
The Institute for Conservation is responsible for the conservation and restoration of the many varied holdings of the Austrian National Library: for the preservation of books, autographs, maps, globes, prints, drawings, watercolours and photographs.

The task of the Institute is the long-term preservation of the holdings in collaboration with the others sections of the Austrian National Library. To that purpose highest quality conservation treatments are carried out in accordance with the latest technological and scientific standards. Through maintenance of the holdings and recognition of causes of damage the Institute has a preventive role and creates a situation in which risks are reduced to a minimum. The goal is to preserve the cultural inheritance for contact and debate with the public.


Institute for Conservation
Josefsplatz 1
1015 Wien
Tel: (+43 1) 534 10-322
Fax: (+43 1) 534 10-321


Head of the Institute

Mag. Christa Hofmann
Tel.: (+43 1) 534 10-322, -368


last update 5/3/2012