
VDZ is the umbrella organisation of German Magazine Publishers. It was initially founded in 1929 and is made up of 7 federal-state associations. VDZ is the organisation of 400 publishers together producing more than 3,000 titles. VDZ represents the interests of magazine publishers in the following fields.

As an employers' association, it negotiates wage agreements for editorial staff on behalf of its federal-state associations, and advises publishers in the application of collective agreements.

As a services association, it offers publishers a wide range of services through its specialist and federal-state associations.

Over 200 honorary experts from member publishers contribute their expertise and experience to workgroups, committees and training programmes.

As a communication association, it tracks developments on the media market. It formulates the aims, positions and requirements of magazines. The association represents publishers on the political and public stage and in relation to other associations.

A range of information services is available to members, regularly covering the latest topics and developments in the industry, as well as the association's activities.

As a trade association, it participates on a German and European level in the design of the economic framework conditions for magazine publishers. VDZ ensures that the concerns of magazine publishers are addressed by the legislator and that industry-specific tools, commercial standards and methods for measuring performance are developed in co-operation with partners in the market.

And last but not least, the association also negotiates with Deutsche Post on suitable products and prices for distributing publications.

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