Castrum doloris

Alvitez, Alejo de: Puntual Descripcion, Funebre Lamento, Y Sumptuoso Tumulo, De La Regia Doliente Pompa, Con Que En La Santa Iglesia Metropolitana De La Ciudad De Los Reyes, Lima, Corte De La America Austral, Mando Solemnizar Las Reales Exequias De La Señora Doña Mariana Josepha De Austria, Reyna Fidelissima De Portugal, Y De Los Algarves, El Dia 15. De Marzo De 1756. El Activo Zelo Del Excmo Señor Don Joseph Manso De Velasco, del Orden de San-tiago, Conde de Super-Unda, Gentil Hombre de la Camara de Su Magestad con Entrada, S. C. Theniente General de los Reales Exercitos, Virrey, Governador, y Capitan General de los Reynos del Perù, y Chile : De Cuyo Superior Mandato La Escribia  / El R. P. Fr. Alexo De Alvitez, Del Orden Seraphico, Lector de Theologia en el Convento de Jesùs de Lima . - Lima : [s.a. 1757]. 

Austrian National Library, shelfmark: 309.333-B.Alt-Mag

This extremely rare edition was compiled by Alejo de Alvitez in honour of Maria Anna of Portugal (1683-1754) to remember the eleborate obsequies held for her in Lima on March 16.

A summary of the ceremonies is followed by more than 150 pages of poems composed by clerics and prominent personages of Lima. A folded copper engraving is bound with the volume, showing the mourning scaffold for Maria Anna of Portugal.

Maria Anna was a daughter of Emperor Leopold I. from his third marriage to Eleonora Magdalena of the Palatinate. The princess was extremely musical, took part in court theatricals and operas and distinguished herself as a dancer in the court ballets.  

In 1708 she was married to King John V. (the Magnanimous) of Portugal whose reign was marked by a long period of peace. The couple had five children. After King John was disabled by a stroke in 1742, Maria Anna took over the government. After her husband’s death in 1750, she gave up power to her eldest son Joseph.

Maria Anna died in Lisbon in 1754. She was buried side by side with her husband but wanted to have her heart buried in Vienna. 

Image (left):
Folded copper plate: Mourning scaffold for the obsequies of Maria Anna Queen of Portugal;
Fr. Ant. Contreras Or. Bē. Mē. de Mercede. deline. et sculpsit 1766.

last update 12/29/2011