Catalogues of the Austrian National Library

Index of contents
    1. Main catalogues (books, periodicals, newspapers, series, microforms, AV media)
    2. Free access holdings (works that can be used in the reading rooms)
    3. Special catalogues (Ariadne  literature specific to women – electronic periodicals)
    4. Department catalogues (objects in collections, e.g., pictures, manuscripts, music items, etc.)

Main catalogues

Catalogue from 1992 on
  • Works acquired from 1992 on (also works with an earlier year of publication than 1992, since it is the date of acquisition that counts)
  • Record of articles of literature specifically on women
  • Record of contributions found in collected essays, festschriften, conference reports (except periodicals or yearbooks)
  • The entire map holdings of the Department of Maps
Catalogue 1930 - 1991
  • Works between 1930 and 1991. Works published after 1992 with these years of publication you will find in the “Catalogue from 1992 on”
  • No recording of articles
Catalogue 1501 - 1929
  • Works between 1501 and 1929.
  • Works acquired after 1992 with these years of publication you will find in the “Catalogue from 1992 on”.
  • No recording of articles.

Free access holdings (no ordering necessary)

Free access holdings in reading room 1 (main reading room)
Reference works arranged in reading room 1 which can be used immediately in the reading room without being ordered.
Free access materials arranged in reading room 4 (large format reading room)
Reference works kept in reading room 4 that can be used immediately in the reading room without being ordered.
Free access holdings in the Picture Archives
Holdings of the technical literature in the Picture Archives.

Special catalogues

Recording of articles from compilations, periodicals from, i.a., women’s and gender research, partially with abstracts
Electronic periodicals of the Austrian National Library
A rapid, structured, and uniform way of accessing scholarly periodicals in their full text.

Department catalogues

Picture Archives
Picture Archives Austria
Digitised pictures on contemporary history from the holdings of the Austrian National Library, the historical archives of ORF, the Association for the History of the Workers’ Movement, and the archives of the Austrian Society for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna.
Digital Picture Catalogue
Research into 1.4 million pictorial data from the Picture Archives and the Departments of the Austrian National Library.
Department of Broadsheets, Posters, and Ex Libris
Poster catalogue
Recordings of more than 30.000 posters: image database for posters 1900–1950; text database for Austrian posters 1990–2006, imaging in progress.
Broadsheet catalogue

Recordings of single-leaf-prints and broadsheets (16th to 17th century) and acquisitions (16th to 19th century) with PDF-images.

Department of Manuscripts and Old Prints
Catalogue of Old Autographs
Recording of autographs from the 16th to 20th centuries.  Please check in addition in the catalogue of the Austrian National Library known as ÖNB-HANNA-Katalog.
Inkunabelzensus Österreich (Census of Incunabula in Austria)
Recording of the holdings of the incunabula collection in the ANL and of all incunabula extant in Austrian libraries, monasteries, and private collections (printed matter that was published up to the 31st December, 1500).
Supporting documents for the Austrian National Library’s in-house activities from the 16th to the 20th centuries. This substantial holding, which is of historical and contemporary interest, is being electronically registered and indexed for content, by means of a detailed key-wording process, in standard SWD, GKD and PND data files. In addition, an abstract of each activity will be made available for users.
Register of Cod. 1 to Cod. 15500
The call numbers group Cod. 1 to Cod 15500 comprise the basic holdings of European manuscripts of the Middle Ages and modern times. In the 19th century the contents of the manuscripts were made accessible through descriptions in Latin in the so-called TABULAE Catalogues.
Literature on Manuscripts
Secondary literature on manuscripts, autographs, estates, and documents of the Court Library. Most of the technical literature listed is accessible in the reading room of the Department of Manuscripts.
Department of Music
Catalogue of the Department of Music
  • Historical catalogues of printed music, hand-written music, sound recordings and estates in the Department of Music.
  • You will find new acquisitions in the “Catalogue from 1992 on” and in the Catalogue called ÖNB-HANNA-Katalog.
  • Books (secondary literature) on music are listed in the Main Catalogues.
Estates and autographs in various Departments
  • Recording of estates acquired since 2000 and autographs from the Department of Manuscripts and Old Prints, the Department of Music, the Austrian Literature Archives, the Department of Broadsheets, Posters, and Ex Libris, and the Department of Planned Languages and the International Esperanto Museum.
  • In addition, the holdings (since 1550) not listed in the Catalogue of Old Autographs of the Department of Manuscripts are recorded retrospectively, and the medieval and modern-age manuscripts not included in the Book Catalogue are also recorded.
Department of Papyri
Catalogue of the Department of Papyri
A list of the published holdings of the Department of Papyri with information on the objects and their copies.
Department of Planned Languages
  • Database of the Department of Planned Languages and the Esperanto Museum.
  • The contents are the entire holdings of books, brochures, periodicals, flyers, manuscripts, musical items, handouts, sound recordings and video cassettes. Can also be displayed alternatively in Esperanto.
Archives of Austrian Folksong
INFOLK – Network of data on folksong archives in Austria
  • Printed matter and pictorial and sound documents on traditional music in Austria.
  • Opens up access to songs, musical items, and dances that have been documented for over 200 years.

Help with your research

Research Department
Josefsplatz 1
1015 Vienna
Tel.: (+43 1) 534 10-444
Fax: (+43 1) 534 10-437

  •   Access: Heldenplatz, 2nd floor
      openig hours: 9.00 – 4.00 p.m.

How can I order a book?

Information on ordering

You must order works you wish to use, so that they can be prepared for you.
Exception: free access holdings.

Follow up information

last update 4/16/2010